Opensea Operator Filter Registry (Retired Sept. 1, 2023)

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As of September 1, 2023, OpenSea has retired their Operator Filter Registry and will no longer enforce royalties on newly deployed contracts.

If you registered with the Operator Filter Registry by August 31, 2023, Opensea will continue to honor forced royalties settings through the end of February, 2024.

How to check if your contract is subscribed:

  1. Visit the OperatorFilterRegistry contract on Etherscan, and navigate to Contract > Read Contract.

  2. Scroll to "5. filtered operators."

  3. Under "registrant," past your collection's contract address.

  4. Select "query."

If you see a list of addresses, your contract is successfully subscribed to the Operator Filter Registry. If you see no addresses, you are not subscribed.

How to un-subscribe after deployment:

  1. Visit the OperatorFilterRegistry contract on Etherscan, and navigate to Contract > Write Contract.

  2. Connect your deployer wallet to Web3.

  3. Scroll to "7. unsubscribe."

  4. For "registrant" field, paste your collection's contract address.

  5. For "copyExistingEntries (bool)," write "false."

  6. Click "Write." You'll have to sign with your wallet and pay a small gas fee to remove the subscription.

Note: Now that the registry is retired, this action is permanent. Once you've unregistered, you will not be able to re-register to apply forced royalties in Opensea again.

Last updated