Figma - Bueno Drops

From Figma to the blockchain in just a few clicks!

With the Bueno Drops plugin for Figma, dropping a new collection has never been easier!

Download the plugin here to get started!

You can also add the plugin by opening your Figma project and selecting Figma > Plugins > Manage plugins.

Next, search for Bueno Drops, and select from the results list to add.

Once you have the plugin open, log in with your Bueno account. Select Drop to start building a new collection.

Follow the instructions by clicking and dragging to select all the image frames you'd like to upload into your drop.

Name your collection and pick your file type. The Bueno Drops plugin supports PNG, SVG and JPEG. Then, select Create Drop in the bottom right.

After you hit Create Drop, you'll have the opportunity to add additional images to your collection. Finally, select Continue. The Bueno Drops plugin will import your art into Bueno in seconds!

If you need to come back to your drop later, don't worry! The Bueno plugin will save your work.

Once your art is in Bueno, the plugin will direct you to your Bueno Drop collection page. Here, you can customize your Drop as normal. When you're ready to launch your collection, just hit Drop!

Last updated