Templates, Tags, or Rules?

You’ve uploaded your assets and you’re ready to start putting together your collection. Awesome! 😎 This guide will help you decide how to go about curating your collection by providing use-cases for our templates, tags and rules features.

We highly recommend exploring template and tags options before setting rules.


Templates function by organizing your layers, and once you’ve uploaded your assets, you’ll need to initially organize your layers by editing the default template.

However, the template feature also allows you to create multiple template types in a single collection. The template feature provides a simple way to match layers you’d like to see together or turn off certain layers for some portion of your tokens. Templates work best when you have different layers set up for your different attributes.


Let’s say we want a rare trait to show up in some tokens. This can be something like an additional prop, a special trait or a rare background type. If these traits are in their own attribute layer, then templates are the way to go! Below, we’ve shown an example of what the templates would look like if we wanted some tokens to have a background, and others to not have a background.

Want something to be ultra-rare? No problem! Once the templates are made, you can adjust the rarity of each one.

For more information on templates, check out our templates tutorial.


Tags work the best when you’d like to categorize and create rules within layers or create connections/rules across several different layers. Tags are a better choice for collections that have many asset options in a single layer. Tags also provide an easy way to organize and view certain combinations of traits in your token batch preview.

Tags give you more freedom in complex situations by letting you easily allocate selected traits to categories. This way, different tag groups can share some traits, but also have their own unique traits assigned to them. Rarity will be determined by the rarity settings of the traits.


Let’s say that we have three component groups for our collection besides our base bodies - Clothes, Eyes and Headgear.

Within each category, we have several different token types with distinct styles. Let’s say we have designs for aliens, robots and monsters. The body colors can match any design type.

Let’s go to tags. We create a tag group called “species,” and add a tag for each token type. Under the monster tag, we will select the monster clothes, cyclops eye and horn head. Under the robot tag, we will select the robot clothes, visor eyes and mohawk head. Finally, we allocate the remaining traits to alien. We’re also going to tag a fourth trait - mouth. Our aliens and robots will have a standard smile, but our monsters will have fangs.

Head back to preview and regenerate your token set. Your rules will now be applied!

Note: Tags on their own do not create an exclusive bond. You must allocate all the traits in an attribute group to apply tag-specific rules.

For more information about how tags work, check out our tags tutorial.


Rules are great for more simple straightforward needs. We suggest rules for when you just need a few attributes to behave a particular way. Instead of creating a complex set of rules, consider first if templates or tags may suit your needs better.

For more information about our rules, check out our rules tutorial!

Last updated