Self-Uploading to IPFS

Warning! This is an advanced option. If you are unfamiliar with IPFS, we strongly recommend you use a Bueno IPFS integration. NFT.Storage is a great option for users new to IPFS.

If you prefer to upload your IPFS assets yourself, follow the below guide.

Steps to Upload:

  • Download your token metadata & images from Bueno by clicking the "Download" button on your collection's Tokensets page

  • Extract your images from their ZIP files and upload all of the images to an IPFS host of your choosing.

Note: When uploading to IPFS, please ensure you're using IPFS CID v1, as we automatically use this hash type in your token metadata.

  • Extract your metadata from it's ZIP file. You should see two folders: "IPFS" and "JSON". Upload the contents of the "IPFS" directory to IPFS.

  • In Bueno's "Upload to IPFS" UI, paste in the IPFS CID associated with your metadata folder. It should look similar to this:

  • Click "Save". If all goes well, you should receive a confirmation message.

Last updated