
Pick up, collect, equip, throw and have fun with it!!!

Builders can create collectibles that players can collect and use. Collectibles can also be used to Item gate interactions. For instance, only players with an apple in their inventory can enter a certain portal, or talk to a particular NPC.

Without the use of an element spawn, the collectible can only be collected by 1 player. More about element spawns further on.

Types of collectibles:

  • Inventory item This can be picked up from the ground or given to you, or taken by, a NPC.

  • Wearable item This is an item players can wear on their character.

  • Throwable item To use in games. Players can wear and throw the item.

Add a collectible

To create a collectible

  • Make the object a Component

  • Then edit the component by going to Component menu -> Edit component

  • In the Edit view, click Abilities -> Collectible

Edit the component to make it a collectible item

Collectible Settings

After creating the collectible, a panel shows up. Here, builders can edit the behavior of a collectible.

Settings Rundown;

  • Description This is the description that shows in the players inventory after collecting the item.

  • Max count per player How many pieces of this item a player can carry in their inventory

  • Should the player pick it up automatically? If turned on players can pick up the item by simply touching it

  • Can a player steal it from another player? to be tested-


  • Can a player equip it? This let’s players equip the collectible on their character, like a wearable

  • Can a player unequip it? If turned on players can unequip the item to their inventories

  • Should the player equip it automatically on pick up? If turned on a player will automatically equip it on pick up


  • Can it be thrown? This let’s the player throw the item by pressing Q

  • Should it be destroyed on hit? The collectible is destroyed when it hits a designated target. Like another player.


  • Can a player drop it voluntarily? When turned on, players can drop the item via their inventory

  • Can a player drop it in other rooms? If turned on, players can drop the item in other rooms

  • Should the player automatically drop it on kill or hit? If turned on, player will drop the item on hit or kill

  • Should the player automatically drop it if leaving the room? If turned on players will leave drop the item upon leaving the room

Collectible Settings
Example of a throwable collectible item


Builders are able to set permission to collectibles, the same way as for any other interaction. For example, only players that have an apple in their inventory can pick up the collectible. Or, only players with a specific NFT trait.

Quantity menu

Builders can set the amount of instances of the collected item. This is done in the quantity menu. In this case, a player only recieves 1 crystal when it’s collected. If the player recieves more than 1, the amount will be shown in the players inventory.

Quantity menu of a collectible

Spawn a collectible

Builders can let collectibles spawn in the room by using an ‘Element Spawn’. This works the same as a player spawn but instead of spawning a player, it spawns a collectible. Without the use of an Element spawn, the collectible can only be picked up by 1 player.

Use element spawns

To add an element spawn, go to Build menu / Object menu / Element Spawn.

Add a spawnpoint

After adding the spawn point, a panel will appear.

Settings rundown

  • Collectible picker Click the checkered box, or the edit icon to pick the collectible you want to spawn.

  • Interval The time between each new item spawn. In this case, a new collectible spawns every second.

  • Quantity

    This is the same setting as the quantity menu for a collectible item, but specific to this spawn point. It overrides the quantity added in the component.

  • Spawned instance limit

    The max number of collectibles to be spawned. Not to be confused with the quantity of a collectible. If the ‘Quantity’ of an item = 10, and the ‘Spawned instance limit’ = 5, players can collect 5 stacks of 10 collectibles. Spawning stops after the limit of 5 is reached.

  • Spawned instance count A log of how many collectibles have already spawned.

Spawn point options

Last updated